About Us

At Transcend Binary, We believe everyone deserves the right to express themselves how *they* want - not how society expects. We challenge social norms when it comes to clothing and self-expression. we challenge the people who tell you what you can and cant wear, who you can and cant love, and how you should live your life.

Our goals go beyond providing clothing that helps people better express themselves, we’re here to help them to embrace who they really are by building a community for everyone to feel Included, supported and understood. Whether you’re Struggling with identity and self-expression, or seeking support and inclusion from those around you.

We aim to be more than just a clothes shop, we want to create a space where you can be unapologetically yourself - both online and in real life. We aim to provide the support and visibility you cant get elsewhere by giving you a spot where you can come and hang out and be yourself without society pressuring you to be “normal”. A place where you can meet people like you, make friends or just chill with others and get away from the negativity out there.

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